Once again it has been a while since i have written. I am struggling. Things in the beginning were all going so fast and for the last three months they seem to be at a stand still. I know I talked about plateaus before in regards to my blood being at a plateau. This time it is the action we have been taking and what seems the lack there off that has come to the plateau.
I saw Dr Sangha August 28th for blood draw and to see the Dr. I had forgotten or didn't realize that at my July 27th blood draw they had drawn for the FISH test as well. When I was in this last time he was a little concerned about those test results. My count had gone up. From .06, to .12. So they did another FISH test on the 28th. Dr Sangha just said that it could just be a "bad batch" or a "Bad run" per say. At that moment of my appointment I really didn't worry or think about it. He had told me this could happen. Plus, I was in a MAJOR mood at my last appointment, due to my plateau I was feeling and not feeling like I was getting very good treatment from the Dr and nurse in regards to getting test results and the what not. But something inside me said that Dr Sangha was thinking this was more then just a "Bad Batch." I just wasn't really wanting to hear i t just then. He told me to call a week from Monday and check in with him in regards to the results.
My white count that day and the rest of my results were still looking good. My white count was at 5.3 which is on the low end of normal but good. I asked about if I should be checking into getting flu shots and what not and after some him hawing he said I probably should. Kids at school have already been getting the flu and it is only Sept, the start of a new school year. I need to call Dr. Christiasen about that yet.
So today, I called to get my FISH results. I was impressed this time that the nurse could actually tell me the results this time but wasn't sure if Dr Sangha had seen then yet so said she would check with him. I got a call back about 12:30 and it was actually Dr Sangha. You know it isn't good when the Dr actually calls you back. My FISH has gone up from .12 to .3 now. Now I have to go back in on Thursday morning at 8:30 to have another blood draw. He wants me to not take my Gleevec that morning and see how much Gleevec I have in my system. He says there are some Leukemia's that after a while start to like resist the Gleevec. Then after my blood draw I can take my pills. My number could be going up just because we lowered my Gleevec from 800 to 600. If that is the case it will be an easy fix. If not, then I am not sure what we will have to do. Craig says there are other super Gleevec meds that I can take and try.
So now it is another waiting game. I don't know how long it will take to get this test results back come Thursday but I will get back to you when I know more. My mind of course is struggling not to think bad thoughts but I can trust that my counts are still at a controllable level and still quite low so that is great. We have caught this early. I can tell myself all this one moment but then the next worry like you wouldn't believe. I have to admit, I had a hard time not crying when he first told me my count really was up. It was a good thing I was at work and was extremely busy testing kids all day and didn't have much time to think about it. In fact, I stayed busy up until 7:30 with Hanna's soccer practice and then Nathan's. And by the time I got home I was almost too tired to think too much on it. Tomorrow will be yet another very busy day. Even more busy with more testing at school and then Bible Quizzing, followed by bells practice, Praise team practice, and then Choir. Then before I know it, it will be Thursday morning.
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