Thursday, September 17, 2009

Still waiting!

Well, I called the Dr office Wednesday and they hadn't gotten the test results yet but that Dr Sangha wanted me to up my dosage back to 800mg on the Gleevec. I found this kind of strange. I thought he would wait till I got the results back to see if the Gleevec is even in my system. I guess I don't really know what my options are if it( the Gleevec) isn't in my system. If he will just stay with the Gleevec at the 800mg or I guess I thought he would put me on something different.

My mind is trying to take over but I am trying not to let it. (Kind of hard if you know what I mean.) Last night my right side started hurting. More like cramping. The kind I would get when my spleen was enlarged. Except this time it isn't going away. I am really thinking it has nothing to do with my spleen but more my back being out of whack. I know it sounds kind of strange but one time when I went to the Chiropractor he cracked my back and I could feel it all the way through to about the same place. Any way, I have had this cramping before but I cant say whether it has anything to do with my spleen or just me getting old and out of shape. I will mention it to the Dr tomorrow, I think.

I have been thinking I need to fast a couple days again like I did when I first found out I had this Leukemia. I felt it was my way of cleaning out my system. Maybe that is what I need to do again. I did feel better after I did that. It was only for about 3 days. I don't have the strength to go longer. Plus, this time I wouldn't be able to really fast. I cant take my Gleevec with out taking food.

So that is where I am at right now. I didn't call the Dr today. I figured I would just wait till about noon tomorrow and call again. Plus, I already have to go to Waterloo tomorrow to get my flu shot so I could get a copy of the results if they are in. Man, I hope they are in and yep, I am getting the flu shot. Guess I don't have much choice any more. It is highly suggested that I do now. I haven't had one probably since Hanna was born or before (Nine years)

Before I end I have a major prayer request. A very good friend of mines daughter, Suzanna, has recently been hospitalized in Iowa City. I use to do daycare for Suzanna's girl for about 3 years. Anyway, they did an emergency surgery on her C1 and C2 vertebra. She had been having some numbing which became very severe. She had a major infection in her vertebra and possibly spinal chord. ( I do not know all the exact details) but since her surgery last Friday she has been on a respirator and has no movement of the majority of her body except her right arm from the elbow down. They were hopeful that she would be able to get off the respirator but I heard last night that this is probably not going to happen and that she will be paralyzed on most of her body except that right arm. She just had a baby this spring and of course her 10 year old daughter. She was also recently married a year ago. This is a lot for anyone to go through but with the recent marriage and the new baby and also had just bought a house they were moving into in Oct all adds up. Please keep the family in your prayers. Suzanna is a very strong young lady. I have always admired her and how she has worked so hard and raised her child. She was a very young mother with her first child (did I mention her first child was born weighing 2 pounds) and didn't rely on her family to get her through. She finished school and worked hard to make a living for her new family. She is very dedicated. I still have hope that thing can change for her and that she can get some movement back but it will take a lot of hard work. Please pray that she does not get discouraged and that God show her himself and give her strength.

OK, so I will hopefully get news tomorrow and then have more to write about again soon. Keep praying.

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