First I must apologize for not having written the past few weeks. At my blood draw on February 12 I was kind of bummed. There just wasn't the excitement as there had been. My white count had actually gone up a little to 5.8. I just wasn't expecting that. I should have been ecstatic with the rise and becoming normal but for some reason I just wasn't. Therefore I just couldn't get myself up to writing.
Last week my parents came to visit and were able to come along with me for my blood draw. They were able to see where I go and all that fun stuff. The nurse was suppose to do a test called a FISH test. I even talked to her about it. This test would show if I was in my second stage of remission or not. Well, for some reason they drew the blood for it but didn't get it sent off. This is a test that they send off to Mayo Clinic. Not sure what happened but nothing I can do about it. My white count was back down again to 3.4 but my hemoglobin was up to 10. I had thought my white count would continue to go up beings it was up the week before so that sort of surprised me.
I went in last night for my draw and they drew extra again for my FISH test and my white count was down to 2.6 and my hemoglobin is down again to 9.
Ya know when you are loosing weight and you have seen a lot of lose but then you get to that point when things just seem to sit for a while and stay the same and you start to get a little discouraged. I kind of feel that way right now. I cant complain though. I am in the first stage of remission already which I have accomplished sooner then normal. And any time now I could be in my second stage which is still faster then normal. I feel great and have not yet gotten sick from medicine or from any cold or flu bugs my kids and many others have had. I count myself lucky and must be satisfied with my number so far.
Continue praying for my numbers to become normal and that I don't over do things. I have taken on a new role. It is called Lamar. Actually, Lamar is an original character in the production of Godspell. Several community churches are coming together to put this on and it will be preformed April 3-5th. We have rehearsal three days a week. Craig is the director and you would think there would be extra perks there but trust me, there just aren't. (haha)
May God contiue to bless each and everyone of you for your dedication to prayer. It really does work and we just have to be patient and trust in God's timing.
Pleas know that I continue to hold you in thought and prayer. Thank you for your honest sharing and beautiful spirit.
ReplyDeleteRev. Anne