Roads were kind of Yucky on the way to Iowa City until we got closer to Cedar Rapids and four lanes, then they were quite good. We even got to my appointment by 12:50 so only 5 minutes late. Just another way God was watching out. Then I went and got checked in and was told I could go right back to get my blood drawn (which by the way actually hurt this time and felt like I had a rock in my arm afterwards), and when that was done a nurse was waiting for me in the hall to get my weight, blood pressure and temp. I was then taken right back to a room. (Ok, so if you have followed all of that you will know that I have now been in three different rooms and Craig wonders why I cant ever find my way out of the last room to the receptionist.) What a change from the last time I was there and waited over an hour and half.
First Karen, who is our patient coordinator in regards to the Tasigna test trial, came in and asked if we had any questions. She talked about what mainly would happen if and when I got on Tasigna next month and if I had enough Gleevec to get me through till then. Let me just say now that she is a great lady. She has stayed in contact with us since our last visit. One of the reason I would like to go on this test trial is because she is very good about keeping touch. We all know by now how that is important to me. I have received several emails from her this past month with questions and answers. She has been great.
A few minutes after she left the PA came in. She was in a silly mood today. She asked the usual questions and then when she was asking about medications if any had changed she asked about birth control. This is something that was mentioned a year ago but never pursued. Partly our fault. We told her this has never been something we had to be on . Getting pregnant was not the easiest thing for me. She just got the funniest look on her face and things just got silly then. She told us about when she was 40 and got pregnant and how your never too old and on and on. Then she told me to jump up on the exam table and she started listening to my heart. She replied with, "well it's about 140 so it must be a girl." (haha) and then she checked my legs for swelling (which does happen being on Gleevec) and I told her I didn't have any and she looked up and said, "yep there was." pertaining to being pregnant and having swelling. (haha) The whole visit was just silly like that. It was a lot of fun. When she left she said she would see us in a month for the ultra sound and the view of our twins. (haha)
Next, Dr Gingrich came in and he basically said that he would like me to be on the Tasigna the middle of January whether it is on the trial study or not. The only reason it wouldn't be in the trial study would be if my number went down to all zeros and he couldn't convince the drug rep company that it would be a good thing for me. He just thinks that with the increase recently of my numbers and not knowing for sure what the cause was that it would just be a good idea for me to me on the Tasigna. So my next appointment is January 11 and I will have more than the usually blood test along with an EKG and probably a bone marrow biopsy. All wonderful things too look forward too.
With the start of this new drug things will be a little different with our insurance deductible and when we will meet that. We might not have to meet it very first thing in January like last year which is good but more than likely with in a few months.
So we actually got out of there by 2:30. Only an hour basically in there this time WOW! Yet another God thing. So off to lunch we went. Then on our way out of Coralville we missed our turn and ended up passing a Walmart to turn around at and I asked Craig if we could please stop to check and see if they had this game my friend and I had looked for the day before that she wanted for Christmas and everyone was out of them. He didn't really want to but he was a good guy and did and guess what. They had the game. I am telling you it was meant to be. It may all sound silly but yes God even leads us in the right direction to buy the things we need.
We got home safely. Once again on the way I received another text on my phone from the school. (I think I started my day out this way didn't I?) saying that my daughter's Christmas program was canceled yet a second time and that all-after school and evening activities where canceled which meant my son's rescheduled basketball game was once again canceled due to weather. Hanna's program is rescheduled for Thursday. Not a good night for us. Roads were starting to get wind blown and the temperature was dropping. Yet again at 7:26 I received another text saying school would be delayed again another two hours. Looks like it is going to be an interesting school year.
Thank you God for watching out for us today. We don't always see it and realize it but you are there with us in all we do.