I am still feeling good. I had a pretty good cold earlier this week, thanks to my husband who had it the previous week, and still kind of fighting that. My daughter Hanna has been out since Wednesday with some type of viral thing. She has had a fever all week. Started out at 100 and then after a couple days jumped to 103 almost 104. This morning she finally has a normal temp but had that for a while yesterday too then shot back up by supper. She is really wanting to go to the UNI game we have tickets for this evening but still not sure about that. So far Nathan hasn't had anything. There are about three different things going around school right now and we are wondering what actual flu season will be like.
Both kids are done with soccer. Last Saturday was the last of the fall games. Now Nathan started basketball this week and Hanna starts next week. It is hard to believe that the first trimester of school will be over in a week. On November 18th my Granny celebrates her 103 birthday. Wow! We pray she has a good winter.
Well, since the sun is shining and it has actually been dry Craig is wanting to get the playground equipment stained so that is what we are about to do. Nathan is working at a friends house who bought him last year at the churches Lords Portion sale. Nathan sold himself for work to earn money for the youth so today is finally the day. Sounds like he will be helping take down a old barn. Got a lot to do before the game. Thank you all for your continued support and prayers. You know, I was hoping by now I would be able to say I was in complete remission but ya know, I am OK with things and how they have come about. As I was looking for images to add I thought about a game of chess. That is what it is like right now. Waiting for my opponent to make the next move. Whether that opponent is the Doctors or God I don't know. It is showing me just how much I really need to be patient and rely and trust in God and his timing. This is something that is a daily thing but think this next year God could really going to be showing for i

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