Pronunciation: (nye-LOE-ti-nib)
Class: Protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Trade Names:
Class: Protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Trade Names:
As of Monday, March 29th I started the new test drug Nilotinib. First I had the usual done of weight check, temp and blood drawn. Shortly after that I was called back to a hospital like room where several EKG's were done, and I mean several. (We had a few technical difficulties.) So what was suppose to be 3 EKG's turned out to be 5 to start out with. At least I was laying down and resting. My results looked pretty good. Little questionable on one but like Karen says, she is not a doctor and doesn't read them for a profession so she went to have Doctor Gingrich double check them. About 5 minutes later she called down to the nurse and gave the OK. That's when I took my three tablets. One 200mg and two 50mg. I was to come back two hours later which was 12:50. Now I had been fasting since about 6:30p.m. the night before. I couldn't believe how much I missed my cappuccino in the morning. I still couldn't eat till an hour after taking the pills so we walked around and checked out the gift shop then found a place to sit and we both read till it was time to head back. During this time however my husband decided to indulge himself with a nice flavorful latte. "How Rude!"
Back we went at 12:50 where I was taken back to the room again for three (actually four) more EKG's. All looked good and i was feeling good too so was free to go. That was after I signed papers for reimbursement for millage and lunch. That will be a nice part about the study. They don't cover all the millage but every bit helps.
I go back again next Monday for the same routine. If things are still looking good I wont be back again till April 26th.
Some of the things I am to do while on this Nilotinib are: fast 2 hours before taking pills and 1 hour after taking them. Water only during fasting. During study I should not consume Seville oranges or juice, grapefruit, grapefruit juices or supplements, Star fruit or juices, or Pomegranate or juices. I also need to notify Karen if I have a sudden weight gain of 5 pounds or more. I am hoping for a 5 pound weight loss would sounds good.
The reason why all the EKG's is just precautionary. As Karen says, " I know this is a lot of heart testing but we don't expect to see any problems. We just are careful when starting on the drug as there have been a few cases of heart problems with the drug in the past."
One other prayer concern we have. We have found a house we all really like and put a bid on it last Monday. However, the previous owners owe more than we are offering. That means that the bank gets involved and it is called a "short" sale. Craig talked to the Realtor again Monday and the owners where suppose to be presenting the bid to the bank yesterday. If I understand things right the bank will have to get together to decide if they will take our offer, counter it, or just forget it all together. We really like what this house has to offer and would really like to get it. So please pray that if this be God's will this will happen sooner rather then later and if not to let us know sooner then later so we can find another option. (If we can act before April 30 we can get the new home owners $8,000 tax credit)
Take time this Easter to spend it with the people around you. Isn't that what the disciples did? They were together comforting each other after what had happened days before. When the women came in proclaiming that the heavy rock had been rolled away and Jesus was no longer in the tomb there was much doubt and disbelief. It wasn't only Thomas that was disbelieving. In Matthew 24:11 it says that they did not believe the women. Even Peter had to go to the tomb to see for himself. Jesus himself even asked the disciple "why do doubts rise in your minds?" In Luke 20:29 Jesus says, "Because you have seen me you have believed; but blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." Go out this Easter believing and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is not dead but lives with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Death could not hold Him and because of Jesus, death cannot hold us either. Praise God!
Back we went at 12:50 where I was taken back to the room again for three (actually four) more EKG's. All looked good and i was feeling good too so was free to go. That was after I signed papers for reimbursement for millage and lunch. That will be a nice part about the study. They don't cover all the millage but every bit helps.
I go back again next Monday for the same routine. If things are still looking good I wont be back again till April 26th.
Some of the things I am to do while on this Nilotinib are: fast 2 hours before taking pills and 1 hour after taking them. Water only during fasting. During study I should not consume Seville oranges or juice, grapefruit, grapefruit juices or supplements, Star fruit or juices, or Pomegranate or juices. I also need to notify Karen if I have a sudden weight gain of 5 pounds or more. I am hoping for a 5 pound weight loss would sounds good.
The reason why all the EKG's is just precautionary. As Karen says, " I know this is a lot of heart testing but we don't expect to see any problems. We just are careful when starting on the drug as there have been a few cases of heart problems with the drug in the past."
One other prayer concern we have. We have found a house we all really like and put a bid on it last Monday. However, the previous owners owe more than we are offering. That means that the bank gets involved and it is called a "short" sale. Craig talked to the Realtor again Monday and the owners where suppose to be presenting the bid to the bank yesterday. If I understand things right the bank will have to get together to decide if they will take our offer, counter it, or just forget it all together. We really like what this house has to offer and would really like to get it. So please pray that if this be God's will this will happen sooner rather then later and if not to let us know sooner then later so we can find another option. (If we can act before April 30 we can get the new home owners $8,000 tax credit)
Take time this Easter to spend it with the people around you. Isn't that what the disciples did? They were together comforting each other after what had happened days before. When the women came in proclaiming that the heavy rock had been rolled away and Jesus was no longer in the tomb there was much doubt and disbelief. It wasn't only Thomas that was disbelieving. In Matthew 24:11 it says that they did not believe the women. Even Peter had to go to the tomb to see for himself. Jesus himself even asked the disciple "why do doubts rise in your minds?" In Luke 20:29 Jesus says, "Because you have seen me you have believed; but blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." Go out this Easter believing and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is not dead but lives with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Death could not hold Him and because of Jesus, death cannot hold us either. Praise God!
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