So not it is like 10:50 and figure my next appointment isn't until 1:00 so could catch and early lunch and not have to worry about hurrying. We went to a new place to us called the Spartin Gyro. It was really good, just a little place but you get A LOT of meat for your money. There was so much meat in our gyros that we took some of it out and we figure we have enough to make two gyros tomorrow for lunch.
Then back to the hospital early and we actually got in pretty fast too being my appointment wasn't till 1:00. We didn't see Dr Ginrich this time. Just Karen and Karen. Karen the PA came in and talked to us and asked what we used the last time I had my bone marrow done for pain. Was it just the epidural or a morphine pill? Craig thought just the epidural but I was sure I had taken a pill and after a while Craig thought I had too but granted neither of us was positive. It was all such a blur. So I was given a morphine pill and then had to wait 30 minutes. Karen came in and she proceeded to numb my hip. THAT HURT! She then went right in with what Craig calls the "ice pick." At first it didn't hurt so much. She kept saying I had a thick bone. That meant she had to "pick" a little harder. I could feel when she did aspiration which she had a hard time getting enough marrow because of my think bones but after three times she thought had enough and I had definitely had enough! I know the last time when I had the bone marrow biopsy I said I would do that over going to the dentist. Well, not so sure would be true for this time.
We had to wait for Karen to come back to talk to us so I was put in a wheelchair and wheeled out to the waiting room. I was feeling pretty woozy, like if I moved my head to fast I would get dizzy. After our chat Craig wheeled my back to the where I had my EKG at the beginning of the day for another round. By the time that was done I didn't need the wheelchair anymore and was feeling pretty good. I was wiped out and ready to go home. I thought I would sleep in the car but I just couldn't.
I should be hearing back from Karen about my test results and if everything looks good I will go back on Monday to start the drug.
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