Coming To an End?
I think I am on my last stretch of this road. My last Dr appt May 22nd went well. Again I had my blood drawn and was finally able to get the results of my last FISH and PCR test. Both test said the same thing. That I was about .6% or 6 Leukemic cells out of 1000 something like that. Craig does better at explaining all this. They want it to be at zero or at least under .2%. It is all good news. I would have never thought I would be at this point 6 months ago. Once my count is where the Dr wants them to be then I believe I will have to have another Bone Marrow done to check the counts in that and that will be the official point of full remission. At least this time I will know what is going on. Is that good or bad, I don’t know. My next appointment is June 26th. I don’t have any blood work appointments before that like my PCR. I wonder if the Dr Sangha realizes that. Hmmmmm?
I have been struggling some with my anxiety. Nothing serious by any means, just been noticing it more at night. My thoughts have been trying to take over my body. Hate it when that happens. But I have also noticed in this past 6 months that I am not worrying about things as much as I use too. From the little things like making sure my legs are shaved and if I have make-up on when I go out in public. To being scared to do out of the ordinary things for me.
For instance, I know this is going to sound really stupid but the other day Craig, the kids and I went out hiking in the woods. Now normally I wouldn’t have too much trouble with that as long as there was a path but we didn’t by any means stay on the path. We were on grass up to Hanna’s head and mud and climbing under and over trees and cricks, you name it. Normally I would have been worrying about tics, and poison ivy (ok I was little) and other animals like scaring a deer and having it charge us (I warned you it was stupid!) and even should we be out here? I actually just enjoyed the time and had fun with this adventure. I just don’t seem to worry as much about what others are thinking about me which is WAY out of my comfort zone. God has used this experience to show me that I can be and do what I want without worrying if it is ok with everyone else. God does have a plan for me. I have always known that and I am even more convinced of that.
I have been wondering what will happen to this blog when the Doctors say that I am in complete remission. I am not sure but I have enjoyed this easy way of sharing with everyone. It is amazing how many people get on and read it. I think it would be a great thing to continue sharing everyone’s prayer concerns possibly for others who are facing leukemia and other cancers.
Such good news....Hope all goes great on the 26th!