I was doing great till last Friday when Hanna and I were in Waterloo to get a few things. I was driving down the road headed to the side of town where my cancer clinic is when my body and mind tried to take over and keep going till I got there. It has been such a habit for three months to go there every week. Now it has been two weeks and I am going through withdrawal I guess.
That is when my mind started kicking in and started sending me message about little things like any ache or pain I have may be a bad sign. I know these things are not true or at least I want to know they are not true. I mean, God really has not laid on my heart that things aren't well. As I am writing this I am reminded of a verse I liked to quote a lot and is probably one of my favorites because it has gotten me through a lot of tough "mind times". It is Philippians 4:6-7"Be anxious about nothing, but in everything through prayer and petition make your requests be known to God and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Doesn't that just say it all?! What a blessing those two verses have been to me the past few years. Especially when I was first dealing with my anxiety and depression. Those wonderful "mind games."
My prayer for the next few weeks continues to be for my health but also for Gods peace that surpasses all understanding. That God stomp out those "Mind Monsters" and let me have peace.
I also ask that you continue to pray for David Glassner who is dealing with A.L.L.. I talked with his sister last Sunday and he is doing very well. The doctors are very hopeful. His recent bone marrow looked very good. His white count is down to 6.2 and hemoglobin was at I believe a 10. He will have chemo I think it was for one week a month for the next three months and then see where he is at after that. Pray for strength and peace of mind for him as well.
May the Lord of peace give you peace at all times in all ways!