Friday, May 20, 2011
Hello Again, Hello

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
News Update
Now at the time of my last visit my Liver count was also elevated, but it wasn't sure if it was due to the Tasigna medication or the Prednazone I was taking for my poison ivy so we had them rechecked Monday here at my clinic. I guess Karen got the results today and again this is what she emailed me today, Your liver counts looked pretty good today. The total bilirubin was still up a little, but the others were normal. The rest of the results should be in by next week sometime I think. So until then that is all I know. Right now it is looking like I will have to up my medication. Sure hope it continues to not effect me in any way like it is now. Did that make sense? In other words it isn't bothering me now to take it and I hope uping it still wont bother me.
I am a little concerned that we cant get it past this last little bit. Generally by now I should be in remission. I am always know I was different and did things a little more complicated. The fact that it has gone up, even though it is just a little especially when you are looking at it on a molecular level, worries me some too. I do wonder what if they cant get me to that last level. Can I stay at the level I am at and be ok and for how long? Or will the stupid molecules take control again? As it says in the bible: Matthew 6:25-34
Do Not Worry
25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his lifea]">[a]?28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Much Love & Itching!
I have mentioned it before the many people you see when you got to Iowa City as far as just getting checked in. There is the check-in ladies, the lab crew that draw your blood, the lady that meets you to take you vitals and ask questions, the lady that comes and asks you about the medication you are on, the Nurse Practitioner/ Dr in training that comes in and checks you over and asks you questions about how you are actually doing and if you have any questions.They do a little exam and then are done. Next Karen comes in who is the trial drug representative. She goes over the blood work, gets you your next 3 months worth of medication and takes what you have left. Sets up appointments and answers any questions or concerns we may have. When she is done or as she is about done then Dr. Gingrich comes in. So a total of 7 people I go through before I am even really seen by Dr Gingrich and there isn't much left to go over but it is still a joy to visit with him and hear what he has to say about what is going on with me. He is truly a wonderful doctor.
Today Karen in going over my blood work tells me that my white count is up and so is my liver enzymes. They are accounting this probably to the prednazone, which I am on for my poison ivy. I say probably because they are sure it accounts for my white count but not totally the liver. The Tasigna/Nilotinib has a tendency to raise your liver levels and this is something they always watch. I will have my blood recheck in a couple weeks here to check and see how they are doing. The normal range is 0-20 and mine was 53. My white counts was up just a little with ranges from 3.7-10.5 and mine was 13.3 so just a little high. My test results from my last visit still weren't down to the zero where they would like for my leukemia. Depending on how my results are this time (it will take up to 3 weeks to get results) if it hasn't gone done then, they will up my dose from 300mg to 400mg.
Ok, now my poison ivy. So three weeks ago coming this Wednesday it was finally cool enough that I was able to concur my weeds in my front flower bed. This is not a very small flower bed and it had many over grown weeds. I never really knew exactly what all was in the flower bed since we moved in but did recognize some hosteas and so just went with keeping those and the rest went. Well, two days later I have a few patches on my forearms that are itching, the next day some on my legs. I go to Doctors here in Johnston for a first time visit and she says poison ivy. Uhgg! At the time it wasn't that bad, with just some spot like I said, on right forearm and a little on my leg. Well after about another day I had more on both legs and both arms. But it was

Things are going well here in Johnston, Iowa. The kids are getting involved in school. Making friends is no problem for Hanna and it will come for Nathan. He involved in French club, Jazz Band, and Soccer so some way or another he will make some friends. Craig is staying busy at the New Hope Church with outreach ministry stuff and I am busy here at home with house stuff. I have applied for several jobs but have honestly enjoyed the days home alone but miss the work too.
Some of you may have seen the special on ABC, NBC, and CBS the other night called, Stand up to Cancer. First off, I think it was amazing that all three networks got together to do this second I encourage everyone to donate to this wonderful cause. All the proceeds go to new drug trials and cancer research. We were told today from Dr Gingrich that this test drug I am on, Tasigna/Nilotinib is now on the market and has basically replaced the Gleevex because it is working so well. He also told us that new studies they are doing that he is excited about is that people who have been on the Tasigna and have gone into remission, after a period of time they were taken off of it and 50% of the people started showing signs of leukemia and went back on the Tasigna with still great and fast response. The other 50% who went off it and were able to maintain the normal numbers after 6 months have been able to stay off of it so far. These are encouraging thoughts and words. What once there was no cure for now has a drug that can put you in remission with the possiblities of eventually getting off it too. This is great news but they wouldn't be able to come up with it with out the funding. Go to www.standup2cancer.org and make a donation and help some a life. You never know who might be saving.
Friday, June 4, 2010
An UP-lifting Experience
I came home from the hospital about 1:00 yesterday. I have to take antibiotics as well as a stool softener and a couple pain meds. Speaking of which, "Hey Craig, I need a pain med."
I slept well last night. I woke up every time I had to roll over but was able to fall right back to sleep. Was up for a little while at 4:00 to take some pain meds and then sat in the recliner thinking I would read some but only got about 2 pages read for I headed back to bed.
I had a little concern with the redness of my urine in my bag but just talked with the nurse and she checked with the Doctor who said that would be normal with the suturing of the bladder for a while.
My biggest prayer right now is the bowel movement. I am going to need to have to have one, more then likely, in the next 24 hours and I am NOT, repeat NOT looking forward to that. He did quit a bit of work down there too and so the first time is not going to be fun.
So that is where I am at right now. I actually feel pretty good all in all. I have kept in contact with my Trial Drug lady Karen and she has advised me to stop taking my Tasigna/Nilotnib til after I have finished taking the antibiotic. Thank you all for your prayers during surgery. I greatly appreciate it.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Battle of the Buldge

I wasn’t sure I was going to write about this or not but decided I would share. You never know when it might help someone else going through the same thing. Well, when I titled this Battle of the Buldge I truly mean it. This is something I have actually been dealing with the past almost 2 years. It is something I went in to have checked on my physical 2008 when I was diagnosed with my CML but didn’t do anything with. So, obviously it wasn’t bothering me to much but more of a concern.
After my physical this year my physician advised me that I see an OBGYN and have it checked. So that is what I did. First let me say Dr. Kacci (pronounced kacky) has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen! Sorry honey. I had a hard time catching everything he had to say. It didn’t take much of an examination for him to know that I had a prolapsed bladder and uterus. What does this mean? Well, basically that my bladder and uterus are falling and causing a buldge vaginally. What goes along with this? For me it means mostly constipation and occasional leakage of urine when I sneeze or cough. How does this come about? The main cause is from injury during childbirth, especially if the woman has had many babies or large babies (more than 9 pounds) I definitely don’t have many babies but my first born was a large baby of 9 pounds 1 ounce and I had a lot of pushing during delivery. Now let me say right now, DO NOT TALK TO MY SON AND BLAME HIM FOR ANY OF THIS! He is very sensitive and would feel incredibly bad!!!!
This last Monday I had the pleasure of having an urodynamics test done. This measures pressure and volume relationships in the bladder. Let’s just say that it is really hard to pee when you aren’t sitting on the toilet and someone is watching!!! And I had to pee!!!! What you have to do is go in with a full bladder and then sit in this birthing type chair and pee into a funnel which measures your pee and I believe pressure. Then they put a small catheter in you and fill you up and have you also hooked up to a few different wires till you say you can’t hold any more and have you cough a few times (to see if you leak) and then pee again. None of this was painful but annoying that I couldn’t pee without being moved onto a commode both times. Thankfully I had a wonderful nurse who was a great talker and had actually been through this whole process herself.
June 2nd I am scheduled to have a vaginal hysterectomy and suture up my bladder to hold it in place (uterosacral ligament fixation, A & P repair, perineorrhaphy) along with, a Cystoscopy (looking into the bladder with a scope) ….Craig and I have some questions yet before all of this so have an appointment to meet with Dr Kacci May 25th to get more information. Craig is concerned about a lot of things like why the total hysterectomy and what about recovery time. Remember, we are moving so are packing and unpacking which will be strenuous. We are looking at moving around the 15th of June. We also have our United Methodist Annual Conference June 5-8 which I was suppose to go also, but by the sounds of my recovery I will not be up to going even if all we do there is sit.
So that is where we are at right now health wise. I am starting to wonder what is going on. Ok, so I turn 40 July 2 and I am telling you. From age 30-40 it hasn’t been all that great health wise with first my panic attacks and depression to my Leukemia to now this? So I am vowing that 40-50 will be much better. You can read more about the bladder and uterus prolapsed by going to these websites for more info if you would like. Again, I remind you to NOT give my son a hard time about this. He may be embarrassed or sensitive about the whole thing.
As far as the move, we are closing on the house May 26th and are very excited about that. We are all taking the day off and signing the papers, getting the kids registered at schools and then Craig also has a meeting at the New Hope church that night with several different committees to talk about his responsibilities so everyone is on the same page. The leader of new church start developments, Scott Hibben, will be there also to facilitate the meeting.
Craig and I went to “Boot Camp” last week May 10-13 which was very interesting and informative. Not only Craig and I were there but the pastor of New Hope church, Neil Cross (our mother church) and one of the lay leaders, Eldon, was there and so we were all able to hear and work together on a plan for the next 15 months. There is a lot to do in regards to starting a new church but throughout the week I was reassured more and more that this is what Craig is called to do.
You know hind-sight is a wonderful thing and I can look back now and see how God has been preparing Craig for this endeavor. First of all his upbringing was wonderfully Christ based and he was very active starting with his mission trips to Mexico, getting him to work with others to bring people to Christ who lived in difficult situations. Second, there was his Tent Makers training he had when he first got into Youth Ministry. I remember him talking about one even they had to do which was going to a mall and talking with complete strangers and basically asking them if the knew Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior and how uncomfortable that was for him but yet how exhilarating that was. Then there was the Prayer Walking he has done here around the Geneseo Community, knocking on everyone’s doors just to tell them that our church was praying for them. Every step has been to prepare him for this next big step of reaching out to complete strangers and inviting them to join him in starting a new church. Heck, even his BA in Music Theater has helped him as well as his time as a manager at a sporting good store in Colorado. I am so proud of how he has willing stepped forward and is trusting Jesus in this new adventure of his life.
Well, we hope and pray all is well with each and every one of you. Remember to step out and trust God in all you do. Include him from the start in your plans because he may have bigger and better plans for you. Trust Him. He wont lead you astray.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Whose Chicken?

Hope all is well with everyone.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Being a Good Girl
When we got to the hospital and the nurse called me back I told I had taken my pills and she would have to call Karen to find out what she wanted to do. I lucked out. I it was fine. See I was suppose to not take my pills so they could do three EKG's and then take my pills, wait two hours and do three more EKG's. Oops. Karen said we will just do the blood draw and the post EKG's, not a problem. I told her I was just trying to be a good girl and get my pills taken. Actually, it wasn't even her that called earlier on my phone. I still don"t know who it was. God I guess. He was a little late though.
I am still working on a schedule to get those darn things taken. Fasting two hours before taking the pills and one hour after taking them, the night times have been my struggle. We eat so late especially now with kids in soccer till 6:30 at night and meetings starting at 6:30 or 7:00. I take my pills at like 9:00 then I cant have a snack before going to bed cause 10 is just too late and by then I am going to bed. The strange thing is, that I didn't really have snacks before going to bed anyways but it is just knowing that I can't if it is going to be that late. It should be a good thing. I just wont eat breakfast or supper, I need to loose weight for the summer anyway. (Just kidding mom. I wont really do that!)
So it was a shorter day then we expected which was nice. I had asked the nurse if there was a Good Will store close by and she told me about the one close to Coralville Mall. The back of the van had 8 bags of stuff so we dropped them off. Actually, we dropped them off and I picked up one. Meaning, I ended up buying some clothes. Then we had a coupon for Red Lobster and ate lunch and headed home.
On the way home it started raining and there was some lightning too so called the school when we got close and found out that Hanna's soccer was canceled so told them to ride the bus home. It was nice to be home an hour before the kids got home. I got a few things done.
Now I don't have to go back to Iowa City till April 26th to see Dr Gingrich. Things have been going well with this drug so far. No nausea after taking the pills and my puffy eyes aren't nearly as bad either. One thing that has changed...actually two things that are kind of embarrassing. First, my bowels... well, let's just say I could go to the bathroom about 30 minutes after every meal on my Gleevec and I really didn't mind that. But this last week that has changed quite a bit. I do believe this drug has a tendency to cause constipation so that could be a problem. Second, (sorry guys there is no nice way to say this) my boobs have been more sore. I did mention that to Karen this morning and that was a new one to her. It is just mild I guess but I will be...uhmm... monitoring this until my appointment with Gingrich. It could just be the change and that will all settle as time goes on. Remember, shortly after starting Gleevec my periods were much heavier so who know. Ok, embarrassing stuff done.
The big basketball game is on and Nathan wants me to watch it with him. I don't really care who wins since the UNI Panthers didn't make it but it is time with my son.

I will keep you posted if things change. Until next appoint. So long.
(Picture of me as "Good Girl")
(Ok, Maybe not?)