Today I went for my blood draw at the clinic but with the temperatures starting out the day at a -28 I told the lab tech that getting my blood may be a little difficult. I went for the first time on my own. We didn't have school for the second day in a row and to be honest I got caught up playing Super Cow on the computer and was a little late for my appointment. Craig was busy writing his sermon and lost track of time as well so it was just easier if I went alone.
It wasn't as scary this time, going to "The Cancer Center." I knew where I was going and what was going to happen this time. The people there are very nice, friendly, and helpful. I didn't have to hardly wait which was good cause their TV reception was terrible. Guess it was cold too. I told the lab tech that I would like to have a copy of the results and she said she could do that with a little hesitation. They only took one vile this time. Whoo Hoo!!
The lab tech had me sit in the waiting room, still no good TV reception but it was only for a few minutes. She came out holding my test results and proceeded to tell me that my white count was down considerable to 104.0, and my platelets were down to 432 ( I am almost normal there) but that my hemoglobin was below normal at 8.2 (Normal being 12-16) and she would have to talk with Dr Sangha and check with him if he wanted me to have a transfusion. I don't know why but the word transfusion kinda scares me. She left and I was in the process of trying to call Craig when Dr Sangha came out and said everything looked good and yes my hemoglobin was low but that I was young and it should be OK for now. Then he left. I got my test results and I left too.
I called Craig back to tell him what was going on and Craig remembered Dr Sangha saying that he usually waited till the hemoglobin got down to 7 before he starting doing transfusions. That made me feel some better.
OK, now for those of you that REALLY know me, you know that I am a very warm blooded person. Even in the winter time I can usually get away with one layer and keeping the house at a comfortable 65. Well, this past week especially I have been down right COLD and it stinks but now I know why. I don't have any blood circulating through me to keep me warm. I now have to join the ranks with my sister-in-law, co-worker and many others that I have teased for years about them being so cold and put the extra layers on. Sorry ladies for all that teasing. It is true, you will now see me wearing three layers on top and pants with the possible long johns on underneath, a pair of thick socks and great grandma Ferguson's slippers on.
So for now that is our update where we are at now. I did think the Dr was going to be checking my Uric Acid levels too but don't see that on my test results so will have to call about that tomorrow too. Also after my blood draw I did some running around. First, to pick up my prescription of Cymbalta. For those of you that don't know about two years ago I had a panic attack and found out that after several more similar attacks that I was struggling with Depression. This is something I think should be talked about more. It is nothing to be ashamed of. If you think you may be struggling with depression I highly suggest that you talk with your doctor about. There is nothing wrong with being on medication if it helps. Anyway, for the first time when I picked up my prescription it didn't cost me anything. Our deductible was met and for the rest of the year it wont cost me anything. Pray about this as we are still struggling to understand our insurance. Especially for Craig.
After I picked up my prescription I went to Walmart to pick up a few things and as I was there Dr Sangha's office called to tell me that a Dr Singrich, or something like that, from Iowa City was going to be following me. OK, I have no idea what this means he will be following me and not sure I want to go there. Dr Sangha's nurse was gone already and this lady was just relaying the message. I said I would call the nurse Friday. Then I can check on my uric acid too.
Then later in the night I received a a call from the American Red Cross asking if I could donate blood. Poor lady if she only knew I was the one in need of blood. After politely informing her that I had been recently diagnosed with Leukemia I asked her to take me off their list.
Well, now you know what we know. I want to say, "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for all your cards, and emails. I have truly been amazed and blessed by all of them and even from people I don't even know. It has been a big encouragement."
ReplyDeleteKnow that we think about you all the time. Our prayers are for you. We love you guys.
Steve and Jen