Good ol' Neil Diamond. Remember that song? Craig would probably so no. He's so funny that way. Well, I know I haven't done well at keeping everyone up to date on what has been going on with me but I had a nice reminder yesterday that there are still many of you out there who have been wonderful at keeping me lifted up in prayers and thoughts and I haven't done well at keeping you informed and I apologize for that. In a way it is a blessing in the fact that I just haven't had to worry much about my CML. My last appointment in February was a good one. My counts are finally down to that "major molecular response" we have been wanting. Of course we still would like to have my numbers get down to that 0 but many times that doesn't happen and as long as we can keep my counts below this molecular level line all is good. This is the response we have wanted. My counts did a great dip last time I was in and my hope is that it continues to go down even more.
My next appointment is this Monday May 23. This will be the normal visit with a long drive and a short visit. One thing that will be different this time is that my wonderful Dr Gingrich is retiring and this will be the last time I meet with him. He has been the most wonderful doctor during all of this. He has always had time to spend with you, he remember not only you but your family and asks how they are doing and what is new in your life. I couldn't have asked for a better doctor. So like I said, this will be my lat visit with him. There is a chance I will get to meet the doctor that will be taking his place which would be nice but am sure it will all depend on their schedules but I look forward to meeting him.
So that is where I am not with my CML. Now would you like to know what is up with me and the family besides that? Well, here it is anyway.
The kids have had a great first year at new schools. I couldn't have asked for a better transition. They have both done exceptionally well in their grades which I am very impressed about. I know it had to be a struggle going from a school where there is 50- 150 kids in your grade to 100- 500 in your grade. Making friends has been a little more of a challenge but I am happy to say they have both made some wonderful friends. I will say my Nathan has a little harder time then his sister and it doesn't help that she has more kids her age closer in the neighborhood. Nathan did come home last night saying there was as friend that had said he would like to do some things after school or weekends with Nathan. So that is awesome. It just take one.
Craig is staying busy of course with his church responsibilities. I must say, the older ladies are loving him. We are going to be starting a service in the Johnston area once a month (4th Wed at end of May, June, July and August) at one of the elementary school playgrounds. We have a praise band that has been meeting and working on songs, we will be having a dinner this first time of hot dogs and chips as well as dishes people bring to share if they like. The we have a short message from Craig. The main focus of this gatherings will be socialization. Getting to know the people. We are excited about having it at the school because it just so happens that at 6 the after school childcare is just finishing up and there are soccer teams that are meeting then as well. We are hoping to get some people from these activities to stay around and check us out. Only God knows who will be there but I ask that you pray that God touches heart and souls through this event.
For myself, I have been staying fairly busy working as a volunteer in the schools as a teacher associate. I have mostly worked in the severely profound rooms where the kids are disabled in some form or way. It really has been a joy to work with the kids and see the joy they have even though life may not have dealt them the best hands and the love and support they have from their families and staff. Most recently I had the most interesting/stressful interview I have ever had. I applied for a position in our United Methodist District as the Field Outreach Minister (FOM) in the central district. This would entail working closely with the District Superintendent Dave Weesener who is a wonderful and I had the opportunity to get to know him and his wife a year ago on our trip to the Holy Lands. The hardest part about this interview was that there was 10 people at this interview interviewing me. Talk about intimidating. The thing is, it really wasn't. The people were all so wonderful and made me feel so at easy. I'm not saying I was nervous as all get out but it was a fun interview and I am very excited about the position. Now as from a current FOM said, "Trust God, Trust the people, and Trust the process." Now I wait for a phone call either today or tomorrow to find out either way and if they are interested in me I will have to have another interview but this time with the Bishop himself. Yikes. Thankfully he too was on our Holy Land trip and so I realize he is a real person and not someone I have to hold up on a pedestal. I will still be very nervous however.
So that is where we are all at as far as health and life in general. Like I said, I have an appointment on Monday and it will take 2-3 weeks to get my blood test results so I will try to blog again about those responses. By then I will know about the job position and we will have had our first Johnston Praise gathering service at the school that I can tell you all about. God is doing wonderful things here. We just have to take time to sit back, listen and trust in his ways. I pray all of you are doing well. That you trust in God in all the steps you make and all the decisions you make. Thank you for always keeping me and my family in your thoughts and prayers.